The Americans are good people. They kill Turkeys for Thanks Giving. Not horses or elephants or goats. So this confirms that they are good. Slaughtering goats is primitive and muslims do it and therefore Americans can’t.
Having worked with some Americans, I know, they are very systematic and really follow calendar.
As per that calendar, there is a day they earmark for remembering family and that they call Thanks Giving. So even if they don’t remember family for the rest of year, there is redemption. I pity the multitude of Turkeys slaughtered while they professes love for kith and kin. Now they are also getting more specific with Mothers day, Fathers day, and I am sure there will sisters’,cousins’ etc day following soon. Trust the merchants who find these days an opportunity to vend their wares.
I wish they pull a fig leaf from some more culturally evolved parts of the world and stop killing animals for emotional benefit.
But just before one of my puritan readers corrects me as much to write thanks giving as I have written to thanksgiving as it must be written, I must say, I mildly detest the way they maul language for their convenience.
This is one country, where they have a scant regard for grammar and yet have a multitude of Grammar schools.
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