I like Ravish Kumar's Prime Time. He makes lot more sense than any English news channel, particularly the Barkha Datta type news channels. His panelists are tempered and qualified to comment. He ensures, his panelists have some relevant experience unlike Saba Naqvi and Suhel Seth who sometimes are responding even before the question is tabled. His nasal accent also is a good reprieve from the high pitched anchoring drumming up hysteria on even mundane issues.
But his coverage tonight on the Dalit Kabaddi issue of Gurgaon was too detailed for national television. There is no society of the world which is not afflicted with racism. Casteism is just a form of racism. And any such episode should be treated like a crime in a manner prescribed by law and justice should be meted out with greater promptness than usual, so that any retaliation restrained and political polarisation preempted.
But a protracted coverage with gory details is just too fissiparous and is at best avoidable particularly at a time when social equations are fragile. What needs to be laboriously covered is the punishment meted out to the culprits. The justice dispensed..... or the details of the delay.....
Besides news should not become Oprah Winfrey show.
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