Sunday, December 18, 2011


Yes this word exists. It has not been coined by me. If this could be true for the Augustinians. This could be true for USA also.

USA is withdrawing from Iraq, and had plans to withdraw from Afghanistan. So its penchant for war, better touted as need for preserving balance of power, actually policing of the world, should seek a new geography for the same.

Hugo Chavez has been lately chattering a lot. Something which only Americans claim to have the right to. He is even trying to collect some of the ‘truant’ countries together under an umbrella – CELAC. Interestingly, China is increasingly figuring as a friend in to many of these rogue republics of Latin America. India as usual is in deep slumber, playing parochial politics of caste equations, while a strident China seeks a larger role on the world stage.

China is doing similar things on our NE Frontier. Since the British left, India has not really been able to integrate this region into mainstream India. The efforts too have been half-hearted and shoddy. Corruption is another factor that delimits the stray measures that a government may take to bring that region into the realm of India. The customs department abets and assists those very activities that they are supposed to reign in. They assist smuggling of drugs and currency both, along with all other contraband. The illegal immigration from Bangladesh is happening in connivance of the BSF. The police, wherever it retains control from the over arching reach of the military and para-military forces, propagates subversion of the very law it is supposed to uphold. If the region is geographically under Indian control, it is because of the plenary presence of the army, which is actually a shame for a democracy.

Should a bipolar order re-emerge, it could well be China against a decadent United States. Perhaps, both would do well to quell each other’s ambition of gobal hegemony.

While Churchill sauntered around on his intermittent successes in war, there was a resurgent USA stealing its place under the sun. While the Americans bandied their military prowess, there was a China controlling the American debt.

While this should happen, India must build its competencies, resurrect its pride, strengthen its institutions, control corruption, prime its economy that now clearly needs a second resuscitation and silently torpedo its way to where it was 300 years ago. In that alone will be its redemption.

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