Rahul Gandhi is finally walking but sleep walking. He has come of age. At 40 plus he has learnt to read a speech in the parliament. He is genetically programmed to sway sideways for rhythm and empahsis while he speaks. He has also learnt to spend a night in a dalit home, he has learnt to court arrest and he has learnt to blame the opposition for all the ills that his party and government is responsible for and his family has presided on. He has finally learnt, that to become PM or PM in waiting, he does not need to lie about not having a Harvard Degree. It has finally realized – who cares.
So I would say, he is homo-erectus finally, and no longer a toddler crying for milk or pokemon cards or just attention. But he still needs that glance of approval of his mother, encouragement – “we all have done it, you can also do it” - of his sister and strategic inputs of Diggy uncle, Jayanti Aunty, Pranab dada ………………
So he is finally walking but still sleep walking. When he finally made an appearance in the parliament he took a line that was completely tangential to his parties line of which he is also the GS on the Janlokpal Bill. The Indian democracy is robust but not so cruel. But it is increasingly acquiring the ruthlessness or rigor that some of the other modern democracies have. Gradually, it could happen sooner than expected, that his family name, which is also assumed, his grandfather was not really a Gandhi, or his flawless complexion may not get him votes.
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