Anna is compelling. He is also shunning food ie anna in Sanskrit, and hence anshun, his hunger strike may not be compelling to the rulers but it surely is for the people.
But there is another compulsion playing somewhere nearby - the compulsion to genuflect before a family. Why is it, that intelligent, able bodied, powerful people feel completely enfeebled, and apparently compelled to jettison their good sense of priority, propriety and privilege, for accommodating whims of a family – the Gandhi Family of course. I just cannot understand why a long-standing convention of zero hour was violated to accommodate a completely tangential speech of Rahul Gandhi by the speaker. The PM too raced to attend his speech. Of course the answer is child’s logic.
Goonga gudda of goongi gudiya! The media and opposition go berserk highlighting this, but why are helpless and not able to do something about this? This element of our otherwise robust democracy is really farcical. Why do we feel impelled to carry the burden of this dynasty. England is carrying the burden of a dynasty, because during the time of the monarchy, it ruled the seven seas, and the saying went, the sun would never set on the British Armada. They owe their greatness to the time of the dynasty. The regalia is constant reminder to them of the great past the multitude of colonies that they exploited.
Rahul read his speech. On a subject that has set the country simmering, he was not able to pull his thoughts together till 11th day and then also not able to speak extempore. He once again had to read his speech. His mother does the same even today. So why am I hoping against hope. I dread to imagine when he would become the prime minister.
What an irony. The youth icon is only able to inspire the old people of the Amethi / Rae Bareili belt or those young people who believe, being seen with him could improve their prospects in life. The 74 year old Anna appears to be the real youth icon, as he has successfully been able to fire the youth of the country.
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