So in a single stroke, Uncle Sam bushwhacked both Osama and his patron state - Pakistan. In a curiously conceived stealth operation, USA killed the king pin of global terror, and also exposed beyond doubt the duplicity of Pakistan.
Pakistan is numbed, the hoi polloi in the street are discussing in hushed tones what hit them -a foreign power conducts a military operation right under their noses, exposes both their countries criminal complicity and also its helplessness against America’s military and financial might. To some there is sense of shame, to others, violation of their sovereignty, to a miniscule minority, justice done.
Today I received a joke via sms, no one is safe is Pakistan, not even Osama, everyone is safe in India, even Kasab. Sardonic, yet true. Sad yet undeniable.
Whereas, the purported purpose of this operation Geronimo was clearly weakening the “axis of evil” by liquidating the king pin of terror in his own bastion, the understanding of the timing could be interesting. The sagging popularity ratings of Obama would see a fillip.
In one of my previous blogs, I had mentioned that Americans like a papa and the mild mannered Obama has now proven beyond doubt that he can behave like a Papa. Poker faced he announced to his countrymen, the largest enemy of USA has been gunned down – “we got him”. He is a papa now, and no more a mama. And should he lighten his skin somehow, his second term is pretty much secured.
There is a stark difference between Indians and Americans. Much as Americans love their country immensely, Indians seem to be lacking the concept of a nation or country, but they for sure love their culture immensely.
History witnesses, despite the Vedas very clearly defining the land that constituted Jambu Dwipa ( Island of the Jamun Tree - the pre-vedic name of India, the name used to describe this land before Bharat - yet a territorial or geographical identification by its inhabitants of this nation is weak. Nonetheless, the cultural identification is excessively solid and strong.
One reason could be, that while territorial integrity of India though was defiled many times by foreign invaders the culture remained puritan and predominantly untouched. This was probably due to its assimilative nature of this culture. Since the culture defied definition all external influences were either shrugged off or assimilated. Yet the original form was maintained.
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