The Gallup polls for the mid term polls show an astounding erosion of goodwill for Barack Obama.
I always felt, unlike India which is constantly seeking a mother, regardless of how inept she be about childcare – Sonia, Behnji, Didi and Amma are just a few cases in point, the Americans want fathers. Therefore, their tryst with the much tom tomed egalitarianism testified - voting in a black president and their fancy for mother-like mild mannered, sensitive and polite ObaMA may be short-lived. In the same breath, a woman president, and I say this, as Hillary has kept no secret of her ambitions, is a far dream for this cowboy country.
Nehru, the tall and fearless internationalist too preferred showing in India his softer side more. A man whose presumptuousness would almost always put diplomatic nerds like the high browed Galbraith also at discomfort, his image makers tirelessly chose to project him more like soft Chacha Nehru than hardy Tau Nehru in India. India also elected to neglect or consign to the margins stalwarts like Sardar and Netaji – they were too much of a Papa for them.
We like Mamas, who would cajole and cuddle us more than Papas who deride or demand of us, chide or challenge us. And we like good babas would be willing to reciprocate to Mamas by glossing over their foibles and incompetence than punish them, quite contrary to Americans who would much rather forgive the archetypical male malefactor of a Lewinsky gate than condone callous neglect of statecraft. And they believe, good statecraft is the essential tool particularly for perpetuation of American hegemony delivered better by the Papas.
Whereas, Oba(Ma) from various statements seems reconciled to a single term Presidency, the minions, seemingly resigned to losing in the mid term elections are already crunching numbers, already seeking plausible explanations for the defeat from the study of similar past patterns.
This generation of Americans is witnessing an erosion of their global hegemony. A people that would not deign it necessary to really know where India or Thailand exist on the map, are now being challenged by the very lands they never acknowledged presence of. This is too much for this generation to swallow and of course, the one and only one to blame is the born Muslim Black mama Obama.
Today they are forced to acknowledge the Asian juggernauts. The Asians ( read Indians and Chinese ) are coming is a common board room refrain in the USA. I remember the CEO of an American Pharma MNC recount a dining table conversation that he had with his father, which testifies a paradigm that has indeed shifted. On one occasion when this man, then a young boy in his teens, left food on his plate ( today the Americans consign USD 150 bn dollar worth of food to the bins ), his father admonished him saying there are many people going hungry in India. Today the same guy tells his son, to not leave his homework as there many in India ready to take his job. Just in one generation the paradigm has changed so much. Obama is playing to this sentiment as well. Stop outsourcing. The very use of the word is a faux pas. But if the Papa like Bush senior and junior or the virile Clinton could not even stop human smuggling, and drugs how can they stop outsourcing. Outsourcing is an arbitrage, which can never be stopped as it makes perfect sense for both parties.
I always felt, unlike India which is constantly seeking a mother, regardless of how inept she be about childcare – Sonia, Behnji, Didi and Amma are just a few cases in point, the Americans want fathers. Therefore, their tryst with the much tom tomed egalitarianism testified - voting in a black president and their fancy for mother-like mild mannered, sensitive and polite ObaMA may be short-lived. In the same breath, a woman president, and I say this, as Hillary has kept no secret of her ambitions, is a far dream for this cowboy country.
Nehru, the tall and fearless internationalist too preferred showing in India his softer side more. A man whose presumptuousness would almost always put diplomatic nerds like the high browed Galbraith also at discomfort, his image makers tirelessly chose to project him more like soft Chacha Nehru than hardy Tau Nehru in India. India also elected to neglect or consign to the margins stalwarts like Sardar and Netaji – they were too much of a Papa for them.
We like Mamas, who would cajole and cuddle us more than Papas who deride or demand of us, chide or challenge us. And we like good babas would be willing to reciprocate to Mamas by glossing over their foibles and incompetence than punish them, quite contrary to Americans who would much rather forgive the archetypical male malefactor of a Lewinsky gate than condone callous neglect of statecraft. And they believe, good statecraft is the essential tool particularly for perpetuation of American hegemony delivered better by the Papas.
Whereas, Oba(Ma) from various statements seems reconciled to a single term Presidency, the minions, seemingly resigned to losing in the mid term elections are already crunching numbers, already seeking plausible explanations for the defeat from the study of similar past patterns.
This generation of Americans is witnessing an erosion of their global hegemony. A people that would not deign it necessary to really know where India or Thailand exist on the map, are now being challenged by the very lands they never acknowledged presence of. This is too much for this generation to swallow and of course, the one and only one to blame is the born Muslim Black mama Obama.
Today they are forced to acknowledge the Asian juggernauts. The Asians ( read Indians and Chinese ) are coming is a common board room refrain in the USA. I remember the CEO of an American Pharma MNC recount a dining table conversation that he had with his father, which testifies a paradigm that has indeed shifted. On one occasion when this man, then a young boy in his teens, left food on his plate ( today the Americans consign USD 150 bn dollar worth of food to the bins ), his father admonished him saying there are many people going hungry in India. Today the same guy tells his son, to not leave his homework as there many in India ready to take his job. Just in one generation the paradigm has changed so much. Obama is playing to this sentiment as well. Stop outsourcing. The very use of the word is a faux pas. But if the Papa like Bush senior and junior or the virile Clinton could not even stop human smuggling, and drugs how can they stop outsourcing. Outsourcing is an arbitrage, which can never be stopped as it makes perfect sense for both parties.
Your points are well taken. In my view, two cultures are different too. While mama cultures values humility and being courteous, the papa culture values Arrogance = Confidence, Bold and Individual Heroism. Rarely, you will find people in west valuing team spirit in true sense. Probably, that is the reason, you find maximum trainings and talks about team work/spirit in US MNC's. (I can tell you my personal experience on the same. In 2003, when first time I came to Australia, I was rejected in my last round of Video conferencing interview at US MNC because I used word "We" more often to describe my accomplishments than "I". The impression was that I lacked confidence and individual capability.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right, water streams always flow downhill, not the other way round. Higher is the gradient more speed it attains. This is the reason I advocate socialism. However, I always fail to make point because elites across the world consider it as the loss of their niche. They can easily lobby and push legislation on 'Common Man' to fund the social costs and protect their interests. If you read Europe's financial history for 20th century, then you will be amazed by the fact that Top-100 wealthiest families across Europe did not loose their wealth even after it suffered - two world wars and great inflation.
Secondly people do not want to hear truths. About a year back, when I was consulting LV (Louis Vuitton)Australia about grey marketing issue (i.e. from Asia to AU) and mentioned it at as root cause, one of their marketing guy thought that I lacked some basic consulting skills even before listening my complete argument.
Even the smartest people of US (including Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke) do not wish to acknowledge one hard fact - "You can not keep bluffing the entire world with "I owe U" promissory notes and $ printing press forever (and keep enjoying seigniorage). Through these gimmicks people in US enjoyed low cost of capital for last 41 Yrs, funded three wars - Vietnam, Iraq-1 and Iraq-2. Days of Rabbit will not last too long unless it also start putting hard yards. Today, the state of Ohio (which is teaching advantages of free markets for last couple of decades) is the first one to move legislation bill against outsourcing.