You have to read this in conjuction with Padma to Saif Ali Khan of an earlier vintage in this blog.
Well, the Home Ministry did finally respond to the RTI application that I had made. And did so in the stipulated period of 30 days. But prevaricated, in-fact the reply was an oblique denial of all that had been so directly asked. It said, most incredulously, it was not aware of any pending duty evasion case or any case with regard to black buck killing. What a blatant lie. I pause and perpend to think, who is responsible for this shamelessness and audacity in a democratically elected government.
In a democratic set up, it is wrong to blame the government. Democratic countries have polities that reflect the attitude and aspirations of the people. The governments are tenured and elected by the people. There is a system of universal adult franchise and adult sufferage. So if anyone has to shoulder the responsibility, it is us - the common man.
In a democratic set up, it is wrong to blame the government. Democratic countries have polities that reflect the attitude and aspirations of the people. The governments are tenured and elected by the people. There is a system of universal adult franchise and adult sufferage. So if anyone has to shoulder the responsibility, it is us - the common man.
But this system works very well in countries where the disparities are not as much as they are in India. With such social contradictions in a land, nay, a sub-continent, that is home to the worlds richest and also the poorest and that too in equal right, home to the most literate and most illiterate also, it is indeed arduous to spell out the common aspiration of the such a diverse peoples. The politicians and bureaucrats make the most of this dilution of common aspiration.
The government knows, such trifling events hardly have any bearing on its life and even credibility. It will go back to the people, and win again. It just has to ensure proper seat allocation and appeal to caste and other parochial prejudices. The job is done. Mountbatten and Churchill, both most presumptuously believed that left to its own India would Balkanize.
When voices of people like Arun Shourie faded away in din of an uncouth, goon and history sheeter manifested parliament, then who would care for a person like me. The RTI was received by the Government and with procedure disposed off. The bureaucrat is so bogged down by being the man Frdiay to the politician, that his heart has stopped bleeding for the common man. The common man that he himself was just before joining the service. The common man that his kin still are, whom he obliges everyday with some bureucratic favor or the other. His predisposition to the common man is just like it should be for a legatee of the oficer of the Raj.
The government knows, such trifling events hardly have any bearing on its life and even credibility. It will go back to the people, and win again. It just has to ensure proper seat allocation and appeal to caste and other parochial prejudices. The job is done. Mountbatten and Churchill, both most presumptuously believed that left to its own India would Balkanize.
When voices of people like Arun Shourie faded away in din of an uncouth, goon and history sheeter manifested parliament, then who would care for a person like me. The RTI was received by the Government and with procedure disposed off. The bureaucrat is so bogged down by being the man Frdiay to the politician, that his heart has stopped bleeding for the common man. The common man that he himself was just before joining the service. The common man that his kin still are, whom he obliges everyday with some bureucratic favor or the other. His predisposition to the common man is just like it should be for a legatee of the oficer of the Raj.
My grandfather who, before becoming a part of the bureaucracy was a freedom fighter. He used to tell me, that independence was the aspiration of each and every man and woman of the country. Everyone wanted to make his or her wee bit of contribution to the struggle for independance of the country. One of the anecdotes that he told me was an operation, for which his group of revolutionary students needed some funds. They approached the railway station. The station master( the highest that an Indian could rise to) exhorted them to tie him up, before they pull out the key of the safe from his pocket and scoot with booty, which would invariably never be more than 50/- but of course enough to buy a mauser.
Independance having being achieved, if taking India to the same level that Bharat was once, would be the next mission or passion of all people, then an RTI like the one that I made would be a golden opportunity for an otherwise bogged by the system bureaucrat to expose the truth. To veritably bring the facts to the fore and be an agent of change, be a tool for getting a wrong undone.
But regretfully, this is a nexus. Today the spineless officer is actually reading and interpreting the fine print of the rule book to the convenience and advantage of the neta. He has aligned his interest with him. He guides the neta on how VIP security can be obtained, how business class foreign travel with family be still managed when ostenibly there is an austerity drive on.
Such a bureuacrat will actually run to the Neta to tell him, how adeptly he had responded to an RTI that raised a fundamental issue like debasing the solemnity of a national award, was rubished by him. He is the complete anti-thesis of my "station-master". He has actually made common cause with the exploiter. There are some who dont make common cause, but turn a Nelson's eye or a too timid to turn the tide.
But I shall not give up yet. I don’t have the grit of an activist, but I shall certainly not stop here. I have some energy still left.
But I shall not give up yet. I don’t have the grit of an activist, but I shall certainly not stop here. I have some energy still left.
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